H. C. Andersen fairytales
Illustrations of H.C. Andersens fairytales published in Denmark by Gads Forlag.
The first book "Den standhaftige tinsoldat & fem andre eventyr" contains the following fairytales:
Den grimme ælling / The ugly ducking
Prinsessen på ærten / The princes on the pea
Fyrtøjet / The tinder box
Tommelise / Thumberlina
Klods Hans / Jack Dullard
Den standhaftige tinsoldat / The Steadfast Tin Soldier

H. C. Andersen fairytales
The second book "De vilde svaner & fem andre eventyr" contains the following fairytales:
Den lille pige med svovlstikkerne / The little match girl
Snemanden / The snowman
De vilde svaner / The wild swans
Kejserens nye klæder / The emperor´s new clothes
Svinedrengen / The swineherd
Grantræet / The fir tree

The Chinese editions of the books
The books are published in China in Chinese by the publishing house HOPE.